Well, I missed last night because I was so busy trying to get this thing up and going the way I want it to be, that I forgot to write! I finally figured out how to get the slide show going, but the pictures aren't mine! How's that for crazy? So I will probably spend half the day tomorrow trying to get MY pictures into the slide show, instead of those really nice photos of places I've never even seen.
I just finished reading The Gift by Richard Paul Evans. Man, what a powerful story. What would or could the world be like if everyone were so unselfish! If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. But be prepared to read for 2 or 3 hours straight, depending on how fast you read, because once you start it, you won't want to put it down until you're finished.
Today was a beautiful day here in Montana. It was warm enough to wear Capri pants and short sleeves, but cool enough to get out in the yard, or the garage in my case, and get some work done. We have just moved to a new house, and its quite a bit smaller than the one we were living in, so there is a lot of "leftovers" that won't fit in the house. I'm going through everything and trying to decide if it stays or goes. My youngest daughter and her two little boys are living with us, so the space is even tighter that it would be normally. The garage has become our craft room, with a set of shelves on one wall that are 7 feet wide and 8 feet tall. On the opposite wall are storage bins for paper, embellishments, tools, etc. It's not the perfect place, but it's better than having all the stuff in storage and not being able to use it. We have her nice big dining table in the middle of the room for working on. (At least we should be able to work on it at some future date. Hopefully before the end of the world.) We are big
scrapbookers, plus we like to make our own cards and gifts, so we have a lot of supplies. Junk, my husband calls it. We had a yard sale last weekend and he kept trying to sell the craft stuff along with everything that really WAS for sale! Men!
I have carpal tunnel and arthritis in my hands and sometimes its really hard to type, so if you find mistakes in my writing, please know that its not because I'm illiterate. I actually have a college degree. Of course, my degree, which is in Art, doesn't
gaurantee that I can spell, but English was always my best subject in high school. So overlook the mistakes, OK?
My youngest grandson, Rafferty, who is one of the two living with us, is such a toad! He is so cute, and such a little devil at the same time. He's just like his Uncle
Clif was. He wants to take everything apart. He gets in to everything! He can open the childproof doors now, and there's no stopping him! He's so smart, too. His vocabulary is growing almost as fast as his brother's, and he's a year and a half older.
Cyric was a slow starter as far as talking goes, but he's making up for it. He's 3 1/2 now, and he talks up a storm. And he's really smart, too. He already knows about half of his letters and numbers, and can count to ten most of the time. He knows his colors and shapes and loves those books where there are things hidden in the pictures that you have to find. I actually have very smart grandchildren all the way around. The oldest just turned 15. (Wow! I don't feel really old until I think about things like that!) He and his sister will be spending a week or so with us pretty soon. Then when they leave, 5 others will be coming to stay. We will have a house full!!!!
Rafferty has found a new place to hide! |
I guess I used to think that when my kids were all grown and away from home, that I would have lots of time to do all those things I wanted to do but never had the time. Guess what? It's not
happ'nin'. All those things are still on the back burner waiting for me to have the time to do them. Remember that old saying, "The
hurrier I go, the
behinder I get." Well that's me. I find a project I want to do, I get the instructions, or I save up the stuff I need, and then I never get around to it and I wind up with all this "stuff" that I never use. And the sad thing is, that my children are just like me. They are all collectors of "stuff". With my boys, it's mechanical stuff. Cars parts and tools and computers and things like that. With my girls, it's
scrapbooking stuff, and crafting and gift stuff. I apologize to them for that, and for all the headache it will cause them throughout their lives. I got it from my mother, and I was weak and didn't break the chain of "stuff collecting", but instead passed it on. Woe is me! Do you suppose that when I get to the pearly gates, that St. Peter will tell me I can't come in because of all the "stuff" I left behind? I'm going through it all now, but I'm sure it won't take me long to collect a new bunch of "stuff".
I'm going to try to add some links to other pages that I like and I hope you will like, too. We'll see how long it will take me and how I can screw it up before I figure it out. Hopefully, tomorrow I will have some of those links for you to look at. When I lived in Nevada, I belonged to a group called "Crafting Angels" and we did humanitarian projects. We made hygiene kits and school kits, and dressed dollies, things like that, for distribution by the Mormon Church to those in need. We knitted hats and mittens, made ABC books and picture books, that kind of thing. It was a lot of fun and we always had a potluck lunch and good companionship. I miss all those ladies a lot, and I know they are still doing great things. Anyway, the lady who started it all has a very nice website, and that will be my first link. If you go to her website, you will find patterns and ideas for all kinds of things.
Well, I think I've rambled enough for one night. If you ever have any questions about my ramblings, or want to clarify something I didn't make too clear, just drop me a line. I'm always here. This is
Gramma G signing off. 'Night.