Day ten means there's only three days left until Christmas Eve! One of my favorite nights of the whole year. I love to read a Christmas story to the family, and of course, the story of the birth of Christ from the 2nd chapter of Luke in the New Testament. That's after everyone has opened their Christmas Eve gift, which is, of course, pajamas! Here is the list for today, which has some ideas that you can do on Christmas Eve.
1. Have all the children dress up in robes and tie squares of fabric on their heads and let them act out the true Christmas story.
2. Have a little program, where the family sings carols and listens to stories about Christmases past.
3. Go caroling! My family always complains the whole time they're getting ready, but once we get going, they have loads of fun! And the people we carol to enjoy it as much as we do. Then we go have hot chocolate before going to bed to wait for you-know-who.
4. Have your big Christmas meal on Christmas Eve. That way, you don't have to spend your Christmas day in the kitchen, missing out on all the fun as family members play games or reminisce, or enjoy their new "toys". This made a big difference when I started doing this. Christmas always meant so much work for me that I was too tired to enjoy the day with family. Now, we pig out the night before, and just pick and munch on Christmas day. So much better!
5. Save a little of your Christmas money to take the family to a movie matinee Christmas afternoon. This was one of our family traditions for years when we all lived close, and we all looked forward to it each year, trying to decide which movie to go see.
6. Fill a basket with photos from Christmases past and set it somewhere where all the family will see it. This will fill hours with good memories and camaraderie.
7. Put on the music! Christmas music, that is. Fill your home with the strains of familiar carols, and new renditions as well. There are radio stations and TV stations that play all Christmas music from Thanksgiving Day until Christmas. Find one and enjoy!
8. Deliver plates of goodies to the neighbors. You can put them on the doorstep, ring the bell and run! It's so much fun, and your families will remember it for years to come.
9. Video tape your family as they talk about Christmases past. Then make copies for all of them to enjoy.
10. Begin a family Christmas journal. Write down events you attend, presents you received, memories you all shared. And don't forget to add the crises that always occur, too!
As we get closer to the day of the Savior's birth, remember, Christmas carols never sound better than when sung in church. Love to all,
They say you have to kiss a lot of toads to find a prince.