
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day Seven of the 12 Days of Christmas

Day 7....How time does fly! I hope you are all taking the time to do something off these lists at least once or twice a week, if not every day. I think we can all make someone's Christmas just a little better by doing these things, even if that someone is us! Here is today's list.
1. Feed someone's parking meter.
2. Research your family history and serve  a special holiday food or drink that your ancestors might have enjoyed.
3. If you are taking a car trip with children, take turns making up silly verses for the "12 Days of Christmas."
4. Make arrangements to donate leftover food from a holiday party to  a homeless shelter.
5. Let younger create their own wrapping paper. Buy a roll of plain white or brown paper and let them draw or paint or use rubber stamps to decorate it. They will have a great time!
6. Print small pictures of family members to use instead of gift tags.
7. Take time to remember that the greatest gift is a home filled with the people you love.
8. Follow the Irish tradition of putting a bird's nest in your tree for luck in the new year.
9. Give your seat on the bus or subway to someone holding lots of packages.
10. Give a pint of blood. It's the gift of life!
Now, get busy and do something! Life is getting shorter by the day for all of us, so don't let it pass you by before you've done something fun! And remember,in the words of Hamilton Wright Malvie, "Blessed is the season that engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love." Until the morrow.....

The swans went south for the winter, but lift this (feather) for you.

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