
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day Eight of the 12 Days of Christmas

Today's list is a last-minute tip list. Hope you find something that helps.
1. Don't forget the batteries!
2. Don't forget to hang the mistletoe. :0
3. If you are having a Christmas or New Year's party, turn down the thermostat before all the guests arrive. Crowded rooms heat up really fast!
4. Save all the information on toys, electronics, appliances, etc. Things like manufacturer's addresses, customer service information, and help line numbers. And don't forget to mail in warranty cards promptly.
5. Amid all the hustle and bustle and stress and strain, don't forget to be good to yourself. You are working overtime, remember?
6. Save your gift lists from year to year so you don't duplicate gifts. This is especially helpful if you are crafty and make your own gifts. It's really easy to forget what you made for whom.
7. Wrap up a few small gifts, such as nice picture frames or blank books (journals) to have on hand in case you forgot someone on your list. Put blank tags on them so all you have to do is add a name.
8. If you have young children, be sure you get on your sitter's calendar in advance, so you will be all set to go to those adult Christmas functions.
9. Save the boxes for your fragile decorations, so you can pack them away safely after the holiday season.
10. Make sure your car battery is in good condition, especially if you live in cold country. A dead battery in the mall parking lot is no fun ! 
I hope your holiday season is going well. No, better than well. I hope it's great! I love this time of the year! With it's cold days and colder nights, it gives us a reason to drink hot chocolate and wear scarves and hats and mittens. And big, warm coats! And we get to go sledding and build snowmen and just celebrate being together! So, make your day a little better by doing something for yourself and something for someone else. Until tomorrow,

The maids were frightened away by those leaping Lords!

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