
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day Five of the 12 Days of Christmas

For today, we have a list of all kinds of things. Just little tips to make the season brighter.
1. Be creative with your gift wrapping. Use newspapers, funny papers, maps, posters, the yellow pages, old book pages, etc. I'm sure you can come up with lots of ideas for other material to use.
2. Never miss a chance to shake hands with Santa Claus.
3. If your family doesn't have many Christmas traditions, let this be the year you create some!
4.Give at least one Teddy bear this year. Everyone loves a Teddy bear.
5. Offer to hide your neighbors gifts for their children so that little snoopers won't be able to find them.
6. Don't try to do everything yourself. Remember, even Santa has helpers.
7. If you hide gifts, make a list of what you have hidden where so that you will be able to find them all.
8.Take your camera to holiday parties with you, then send photos to the host or hostess with your thank you note.
9. Write Joy to the World with your finger on a frosty window pane.
10. When you hear "Rocking Around the Christmas Tree" grab the family member closest to you and swing them to the music!
Hope you enjoy some of the things on this list. It's a light and fun list. The next on will be all about service to others. And this year, give yourself the gift of peace with those things in your life that you know you cannot change. Until tomorrow, 

Jingle bells ring, too!

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