
Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday Friends!

Wow! It's Friday already!Time for some new Friday Friends. First up is Alisa Burke. She has a very nice blog that's a combination of craft, fashion and photography, a little of this and a little of that. While you're there, browse her whole blog. You'll find some great ideas! She's also going to be giving an online class called Create Daily. It's 30 days, a post a day, of simple ideas, projects and lessons, and it only cost $30! $20 if you register by Oct. 31. Anyway, the project I picked for you today is a wreath made from canvas circles and it's one that I definitely want to make for myself! So go on over and check out and see for yourself.

Next in our line-up is Lynn Stevens from Trash to Treasure. If you go to her site right now you will see some of the most amazing Halloween stuff. She participates in a lot of swaps and posts really nice photos of what she sends and what she gets in return. If you scroll all the way down to the bottom, you'll find her archives and you can dig around in there and find some outstanding ideas. I found one in November of last year that I thought was really beautiful and I would love to make it if I can find an old ice skate.

Our next friend is Julia at Vintage with Laces. Her site is an eclectic mixture of home dec and craft, and it's truly lovely. As the blog title implies, she uses a lot of vintage laces in her projects and makes some gorgeous items. The one I picture here is one I especially like. Go visit her and be sure to leave a comment. Bloggers love comments.

And our final Friend for today is Julie Ann Shahin over at Julie Ann Shahin2. Her blog is full of paper crafts and art journaling and things that are interesting. I found a Smash book that I really like and that's what I'm sharing today, but go browse her blog and you'll find all kinds of goodies.

Well, that's it for today. I hope you will visit all our friends and leave comments telling them you saw them here. Comments are good for them AND for me! And remember......the greatest artist was once a beginner, so don't be afraid to try anything! Until next time,


  1. Dear Gramma G! Your blog is really nice, I like the idea of presenting other's blogs and the encouragement in the end, for beginners like me :)
    I will surely come back here!

    (Follow me #7 - ladybehemot)

  2. This post is neat, I like that you feature other people's blogs, and you give a nice variety of them.
    And I love the background on your blog, it's sunny and happy :)

    Stephanie - Follow Me #7


Hi! I would love to hear from you. Please come back and comment often. Thanks!