
Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Okay! So it's not until tomorrow, but it is almost here, and we finally got the valentines done! It's been a headache trying to get time when we are both could work together. As I said before, it's Hally's last year to give valentines to her school class because she will be in middle school next year, so we wanted to do something fun and homemade yet fast and easy. I've been seeing these projects all over the internet where you take a photo and make it look like the child is holding a giant sucker, so that's what we did. Saturday was the day. We took a few trial photos...

before we got the one we liked and that worked with the suckers.

I used a photo editor to up the contrast so that the background would sort of fade out. That way we could cut the picture bigger than the actual photo and you wouldn't be able to tell. I printed them 3x5" and then add "Happy Valentine's Day" in the upper left corner. We cut them out heart shaped and put them on the foam hearts that I bought at Wal*Mart. We punched holes at the top and bottom of her hands for the suckers, and she decorated them with stickers to hold the photos on.

She wrote names across the bottom....

added the suckers...

and !Viola! Cute valentine's that no one will wonder who they came from.

Later that night, she went to a daddy/daughter dance at the school. She looked so sweet and her dad looked really handsome, if I do say so.

So, everything turned out well. No last minute rush, no little-girl panic because the valentines aren't done. I wanted to make cupcakes to take to her classroom, but I didn't get the cupcake plate done, so I guess we let that project go the way of a lot of others.....maybe next year.

Hope you all have a really nice Valentine's Day, and remember to tell all your loved ones just that--that they ARE your loved ones. Until next time,

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