
Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Friends!

Well, it's Friday again and I'm late to post. I missed last Friday totally because of doctor's visits. But I'm here now! The kids don't have school today, so we all slept in. I'm usually up really early in the morning finishing up this post, but not today.

Last night was our Relief Society dinner and we had a nice turn out and some very nice displays of sisters' talents and interests. I took lots of pictures, and I mean LOTS, but I gave my SD card to the RS president to take to Wal*Mart to get the pictures printed, so I can't show you any photos until I get it back. So that will be coming in the near future.

Okay. Our first friend today is Hani at Craftionary. Every week, on Wednesday, she has the Wednesday WordPlay linky party, and this week the word was Magnetic board. OK, so that's two words, but it's all good. The are 15+ tutorials on how to make your own magnetic boards, and some of them are stinkin' cute! Go to and check them out. I know you'll find at least one that you like, probably more, and you will want to look at other stuff, too. She has a LOT of ideas on her blog.

This is one of my favorites. Try to guess what it's made from.
 Next on our list comes Kim over at too-much-time on my hands. She did a post on projects using old springs - bed springs, furniture springs, etc. Talk about cool stuff! And with each photo is a link to the source, so you can go right to it to view the original post. I love the spring chicken, although it doesn't look much like a chicken, but I think it fits me so well (hehehe). Go to to see all the great ideas.

 Over at Shaken Together, Keri is celebrating Girl Scout Cookie time! She has a delicious-sounding recipe for Thin Mint Pudding Trifles that I am going to have to try! She also has a long list of other recipes that sound really good, too. And she says she has more GS cookie recipes coming, so stay tuned at .

And again, last but NOT least,  is Kaysi at Keeping It Simple. She says this about her blog: "If you're looking for simple, easy and cheap crafts then you have come to the right place. I have realized that the more children I have, the less time and money I have to do crafts. I used to go all out with my crafts, put lots of embellishments on everything, but I find that takes time time that I don't always have. So I now have a new motto: keep it simple." She has a lot of cute ideas, and here is one I really like - an Angry Birds game! So simple and so fun. I'm going to let the kids make this because I know they'll have lot of fun trying to set it up for each other so it can't be knocked down. Go to and check out the fun.

Doesn't that look like fun? Well, that's it for today. I'll try to be earlier next week. I usually do most of the post on Thursday so all I have to do is finish it up on Friday morning, but yesterday was spent finishing up last minute RS things, going to lunch at school with my granddaughter, and then setting up and decorating at the church, plus practicing the song a group of us sang, so there was no time for blogging. {sigh} Life happens, and we just have to go with the flow. Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much for the sweet words and featuring me with other creative bloggers.. I love your idea of friday friends.. :)
    Have a great weekend!


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