
Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's Thursday already!

Do you ever have those weeks where time gets away from you and all of a sudden it's the middle of the week?!? This has been one of those for me. We celebrated Chinese New Year on Monday, which meant I cooked ALL DAY ! Holy moly, I didn't think it would be so exhausting! Don't get me wrong, it was worth it and I would do it all over again if needed, but I was so tired by the end of the night that I fell asleep on the couch. Then, I've been working on the template, etc. for my new blog, and that always takes longer than I think it will. Oh, the decisions.......text color, font and font color, background color, label color, design, width, yadda yadda yadda! I know you know what I'm talking about. It's fun, but it's time-consuming. I posted my first "real" post today, introducing my partner and just saying Hi to get started. I hope you will go visit us at .

Then, I spent yesterday at the temple and the Family History Center. I left at 7:15am and got home at 4:00pm. A long day. But the kind of day that gets me pumping for the rest of the week, so here I am, on a Thursday, blogging about my week.

I promised pictures of the celebration, so here you go. We started at the top and worked our way down.
Chinese lanterns help set the mood.

This is our table. Notice no silverware, only chopsticks. We all had fun getting the rice in our mouths!

Here is an individual place setting. Everyone had their own menu, plus a treat of chocolate-dipped pretzel sticks and rice candy, and their Good Luck knots and dragon masks. We forgot to get the noisemakers out until after dinner.

I made WAY TOO MUCH food. This isn't even all of it. Some had to stay on the stove because we didn't have room on the table.

Aren't we lovely?

                                       Maybe we looked better WITH the masks?

   Hally and Cameron have a close-up. Cameron actually was born in the Year of the Dragon, 2000.

This is probably the ugliest cake I've ever made! I ran out of frosting and had neither the time nor the ingredients to make more, so I made sure to cover everything but the body, so at least he looked symmetrical. It was our fire-breathing cake.

This is what the kitchen looked like afterward. I think I used every bowl and most of the pans in the house! And guess what? My sweet hubby did the dishes for me! And I was going to help him, but he wouldn't let me, so my daughter-in-law helped instead. Wasn't that nice of them? I was so tired I could hardly stand up, so I was glad to let them do it.

Well, that was our celebration. I hope you enjoyed sharing it with us. Did you do anything for Chinese New Year? I would love to hear all about it. Send pictures and I will post them. Until tomorrow,

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