
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Great Christmas Tree Hunt

Today I'm going to show you our Christmas tree. This was the first time for my son and daughter-in-law to go tree cutting. My hubby and I did it the 2nd year we were in Montana, but that doesn't make us any kind of experts. So we went to the Forestry office and bought our permit, got our map, and came home to peruse it. We haven't lived here long, so when we looked at the map, we were kind of worried about getting into the wrong place. A lot of the area was checker-board looking, and it would be easy to get on private property instead of BLM or forest land. But......there was one area that was pretty much all forest land and we were pretty sure we would be okay. So that's where we went.

As we climbed higher and higher, the view got better and better. Oregon is soooooo beautiful. Anyway, we found a place to park the truck and we got out and started looking. No luck. We got back in the truck and went up a little higher. Got out and walked some more. We found several trees we liked, but they were too tall. You aren't allowed to cut any trees that are taller than 12 ft or shorter that 8 ft. so you have to be watchful when you choose a tree. Finally, we found one we liked.

It was a little taller than 12 ft. but not too much, so we decided we would be okay.

Cameron got to try his hand with the axe first.

   Then it was Hally's turn. She could barely lift the ax!

Finally, Andy got in there and took care of business! Then he got out the chain saw and sawed off the extra trunk and sawed the stump to less that 12". We carried out the extra trunk pieces and after they have a chance to dry, I will use them for camp crafts next year. They will make nice slices for any number of projects.

We tied up the tree, fastened it to the top of the truck, and took her home! Now she has the place of honor in our living room. Next year, we will go out scoping out good place to cut trees, and hopefully find some trees that are fuller, more bushy. But for this year, we are happy with our little Charlie Brown tree.

So there we are, all ready for Christmas. The house is ready, anyway. See you on Friday for Friday Friends! Until then, remember that gifts of time and love are the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas. Good night,

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