
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well, Christmas is over and life is about to return to normal, whatever that is. The kids will be going back to school and I will be headed back to Nevada soon. I have been involved in a project for quite some time now, 6 years to be exact. I have been co-authoring with another woman, a book on the history if the valley we used to live in. (Me , I mean.....she still lives there.) It's called Muddy Valley Reflections: 145 Years of Settlement. Anyway, Volume 1 was finished in October and Volumes 2 and 3 are almost finished. About 2 weeks more and it should be ready for the publisher. The last of the corrections need to be done, along with the dedication, acknowledgements, etc. And my partner's story. She has lived a very colorful life. She was the first female investigative coroner for the state of Nevada, as well as being on the Clark County Fair Board for 25 years, and a few more things. When these things are done, I get to come home to Oregon to stay.

Walking with my hubby.

I am looking forward to being here full time. I need to get a job so we can get out of debt. We need to find a house to live in. I need to get back to my family history and volunteer work. Lots of things to do! I'm also looking forward to the spring. If the photos of fall are anything to go by, spring should be absolutely beautiful! And there is so much to do, too. Festivals and Farmer's Markets and all kinds of events. I can't wait.

I hope you all have a great year to look forward to. These last few years have been lean and hard for us, and I hope this next year is better. I don't ask much, just enough to keep our heads above water. We have done more sinking than swimming this last year, and I hope its time for that to change. If I had a dollar for every time someone told me things would get better, they'd be better already. Anyway, enough of that. I'm not much of one for boo-hooing over what could have been. I like to see the glass as half full instead of half empty. We survived another year and that's what matters.

I wish all of you the very best new year possible. May all your dreams come true and all your socks match! And remember, new years are the start of new journeys, and you can become anything you want enough to try. 'Night, Gramma G.

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