
Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 9 of the 12 Days of Christmas!

Today brings another old ornament made new. Do you remember those cute little felt horses that were made to hold candy canes? We had lots of them on our tree, but maybe you never did. Anyway, here's what they look like. And they are so easy to make! Buy your candy canes and good luck finding the old-fashioned red and white peppermint kind! They all seem to be Starburst or Skittle or whatever flavors, so pick the color you like and felt to match.

Lay your candy cane down on a piece of paper and draw a little horse's head. Be sure you make it wide enough to get the candy cane into it. Because of the crook, you have to leave extra room. (You can see it in the photo.) Cut two pieces of felt using the pattern. Cut a contrasting piece of felt 2" wide and about four inches long. Fold it in half lengthwise, and cut from the folded side to about 1/2" from the cut edges to make loopy fringe.

Now glue the fringe in between the two horse-shaped pieces and glue all edges but the nose and the neck. Cut a piece of yarn or jute or some kind of cording about 15" long. Find the middle and place it on the front of the nose. Bring the two ends around the nose, cross them and bring them around the neck and tie close to the head. Tie an overhand knot about 4" from the horse and trim the ends. Glue a little googly eye on each side of the head and there you have it! A candy cane horse. Now slide your candy canes into your horses and hang them on your tree. They also make good package toppers for your Neigh-bors! (A little horsing around makes for good friends.)

Bing Crosby, one of my favorite crooners of Christmas, said, "Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share our blessings, all the snow in Alaska won't make it white."

This season, as you get ready for the best holiday of the year, remember your neighbors and those less fortunate than you. Share your smile and your blessings with everyone! 'Night, Gramma G.

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