Don't you just love to see a cheery wreath hanging in every room of your house? I do, and I like to make them fit the room they're in, too. This post will be short...just ideas for you to use. A nice wreath always makes a nice gift, too, and kids love to make them. Swags are fun, too.
For your front door, of course, you want something spectacular, something that says something about the people that live in your house. I have a couple I like to use. One has a big stuffed sheep head in the middle (a very friendly looking sheep), because I used to collect sheep. I probably will again, because I have a spinning wheel and I love to spin. I want a loom someday, too. Anyway, the other has a Santa dressed in red, white and blue, because that's my thing. I love anything in red, white and blue. My whole house used to be dedorated in those colors, and part of it still is. So anybody knocking at my door during the Christmas season already knows something about me just by looking at my wreath.
Inside, it's fun to put a little humor in your decorations for the holidays, so I try to match the wreath to the room. For example, the kitchen wreath can have some measuring

cups and spoons, along with cinnamon sticks, star anise, etc. I made one for the historical building I work in that has silverware on it. I happened to have some I no longer used, but you can pick old silverware up at any thrift store for a song. I used apples and grapes to go with the utensils, and some bows, and Voila! A wreath meant for the room it hangs in!
For the bathroom, you could wind a garland of toilet paper around the wreath and then decorate with old-fashioned curlers and other hair do-dads. Again, old-fashioned curlers and hair do-dads can be found in most thrift stores or at yard sales. Not much money for a cute decoration!
Just one more idea, then I will leave you to think of more yourselves. For a child's room, an old train can be useful again. It doesn't matter what shape it's in. Glue the train on the inside or outside edge of the wreath, making it look like it's running around the wreath. This is where the thrift store a a few good yard sales come in handy. Find LOTS of old toys, no matter what shape. Broken or missing pieces, it doesn't matter. Glue them all over the wreath, making them a mass of toys, like in a toy box. Only put them on the front of the wreath, leave the sides free, and it will look very cute. Your kids will be happy to have a wreath of their own hanging on their door.
Now it's up to you to see what kind of different items you can find to put on a wreath. Start with the room it's for and just let your mind freefall, thinking of anything that goes into that room. That will lead you an idea or theme for you to build on. Remember, make it fun! Enjoy yourself! Things like pine cones and cinnamon sticks, teddy bears and snowmen are always good additions to any wreath.
Give joy and humor to others! "Night, Gramma G.