
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Day Twelve of the Twelve Days of Christmas

The 12th Day of Christmas!!! Wow! How are you fairing? Are you done with everything and relaxing for the evening? Or are you still running around like a chicken with its head cut off? (Do you know that chickens will really do that if you don't have a hold of them when you cut off their heads?) Well, if you are like me, I usually have a kazillion things to do on Christmas eve, NOT including filling stockings. Today's project is a little doll to help you get rid of your frustrations, so you can enjoy tomorrow. It's called a dammit doll, and it's almost as simple to make as the idea behind it.
You can see by the photo that she (or he, depending on your frustrations) isn't real detailed. Just a basic body shape, two pieces sewn together, with the seams on the outside, even! Stuff her lightly, and sew the head shut. Be sure when you cut her out, you cut an extra 2" at the top so you can fringe it for hair. I rarely even put a face on her. She has more genericity that way. (HA! I just made up a new word! It means she's more generic, and represents ALL your frustrations, without name or face.) There is a little poem that goes with her, and it goes like this:
When you want to hit the wall or just stand up and shout,
Here's a little dolly that you cannot do without.
Just grasp it firmly by the legs and find a place to slam it,
And as you whack the stuffing out, yell "Dammit, dammit, dammit!"
Be sure you have one every year around this time. In fact, you could pack her away with the decorations, and then you'll know right where to find her next year. Have fun with her and make a dozen or two for your family and friends.
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
God bless you all at this time of celebrating His greatest blessing to us all....the birth of His Son.
Merry Christmas, Gramma G.

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