
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Day Four of the Twelve Days of Christmas

Angels We Have Heard On High! Sweetly singing o'er the plain. Angels are most often associated with music. We read in the Bible about heavenly choirs of angels, we say she sings like an angel, we say a beautiful song or rendition of a song is heavenly music. So today's project is an angel. And of course, she has to have music to go along with her. (I'm sorry the photo is so lousy. My camera is having issues.)

First, you need to find a Christmas carol that you really like, or use the one mentioned above. Make a photo copy of the sheet music, maybe from a hymnbook or sing-along book. You will need a wooden plaque to put the music on. You can stain the wood or paint it, or leave it it's natural color. Your choice. You can size the music so the whole thing fits on the plaque, or you can just use a part of it. I like just using a part of it, and I tear the edges so that it looks like I once had the whole piece, (which I really did!) and decoupage it onto the plaque. You can use a commercial decoupage medium, like Royal Coat, or you can make your own from 2 parts white glue and 1 part water.

While the plaque is drying, it's time to make the angel. This can be done in any number of ways, but I will give you two ideas. One way is to make her out of salt dough. Form the angel and bake her at 250 degrees for about 2 1/2 hours. When she is cool and hard, you can paint her, or leave her the natural color, and varnish her for protection.

The other way is to make a small rag angel. This is fast and easy, and all you need is a piece of muslin 6" to 8" square, a small ball of stuffing, some moss for her hair, and a little ribbon. Fold the muslin corner to corner, forming a triangle. (If you tear the muslin square, you get nice raveley edges, which I really like.) Place the ball of stuffing inside at the middle, and tie the muslin around it with a piece of string or some heavy thread. Glue the moss on the head for hair, glue the two side points of the triangle in front for her arms, and glue a piece of ribbon around her head for a halo. You can use a fine-point permanent marker to give her a little face, or leave her just like she is. (Faceless is kind of cute.) You can also glue a little tiny rosebud to her hands and one on her halo to add a little decoration. Now glue her to the plaque, leaving enough of the music exposed so you can tell what carol it is. Put a picture hanger on the back, and proudly display your musical angel. Or give her as a gift. These are great gifts for your children to make for teachers. My kids made the salt dough version many years ago, and I know for a fact that their teachers still have them and bring them out every year at the holidays.

"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God is the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." Luke 2:10-14

Remember, if the only prayer you said in your whole life was "Thank you", that would suffice. 'Night, Gramma G.

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