
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Grankids and Journaling

They're here!!!! The two oldest grandchildren, Alex, 15, and Cydney, 14 in 6 wks. They live in Utah and we don't get to see them very often. They're great kids. Yesterday and today were Western Heritage Days here in Stevensville, and we went to the art show last night and lots of things were going on today. We walked downtown from our house and that was a new experience for them. Practically our whole town is within walking distance from from downtown. Okay, not really, but it is a little town. The community is very large because there is a lot of farm land and ranches and its really spread out, but the town itself is really small. They live in a rather large place, and are not used to this. We also had a parade, and Cyd looked at me and said so this is a parade? She doesn't remember ever going to a parade! Alex can remember going to one, but that's all! That is so foreign to me! I love parades and we always go to every one that's near us. Of course, we've spent our lives mostly in small towns, and small towns always do things in a big way, and that includes parades for every occasion.

There was a kind of small fair; some booths, an antique car show, free admission to the museum, historical demonstrations like spinning, making ice cream in tin cans, a mountain man camp, things like that. There was even cow-pie bingo! It was a lot of fun and just small-town nice. On Saturday evening there were food booths and free music and dancing. Gosh, I love small town life!!

Tomorrow we're going to Caras Park in Missoula, where there is free music, good food, Dragon Hollow (which is the coolest playground you ever want to see) and free rides on the carousel. It's a Welcome Home picnic/party for all Veterans and anybody who wants to show their support for the troops. The Missoula Carousel is one of the fastest carousels in existence, and it's really cool. I think the kids will like it. Of course, it will be packed, I'm sure, but we'll just have to be patient and wait in line. (Grandpa is the one who is short on patience.)

I have a few projects lined up for them to do while they are here. I don't want them to be bored with just old people and babies around (the babies' momma works so she's gone more than she's here), but I don't want to overload them either. There will be some time when we just chill out and watch TV or read or listen to the radio. We have a trampoline in the backyard, so that's always available, too. I like to think they won't have too bad of a time while they're here.
OK. Enough of that. I saw the neatest hat today at one of the booths. The woman called it a ski hat and it was just a big tube with a ribbed band at one end and open on both ends. You pull it down over your head and then you can pull the front edge down to your nose or all the way to your chin. It was very cool, and I'm going to try to make one. We'll see how it turns out. If it works out, I will post the pattern I figure out here.

But for tonight, let's talk about keeping a journal. If you're LDS, you hear about this topic at least once a year, if not more, but if you're not LDS, this could be the first time you've thought about it. Blogging is actually a type of journaling (at least for some us), and it's fun, no less, but it's not very permanent. Do you ever print out what you write? Do you keep a written record of the stories you tell or the insights you give into your life? People all across the internet can read about your life, the ups and downs, the good , the bad, the ugly. But what will your grandchildren know about you? Or your great-grandchildren? Will they know that they got their green eyes from you, along with their love of hockey? Will they know that you had 8 miscarriages before you had your only daughter? How will they know YOU? Have you ever wished you had known your great-grandparents? Did they come across the plains as pioneers? Maybe your great-great-grandfather fought by the side of Teddy Roosevelt. Or sat in a foxhole with Audie Murphy. What if your great-grandmother was a baseball player in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League during World War II? Wouldn't you want to know? Well, your great-grandchildren will want to know, too.

So tonight's idea is for easy journaling. Get yourself a calendar, or better yet, a datebook. Or make one to fit your needs. Make sure it has enough space to make notations when something happens in your life. But don't just wait for an "event". Make note of when you go to the doctor and what the diagnosis was. Make note of concerts, plays, ball games, dinners, births, name it, you should note it. And not only for writing about those specific things. I suggest you take a little time once a week, maybe on Sunday afternoon or evening, and write about your week, and all those notes and jottings will jog your memory. They will help you remember not only what you did that week, but the feelings you had about what you did, and that is sometimes more important than the actual acts. This type of journaling only takes 5 or 10 minutes a night! How much easier can it get? Do this faithfully, and Tah Dah!!! You have a journal! So get started today. Jots and notes ARE worth something. And so are journals. 'Night. Gramma G.

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