
About Me

Hi! I'm Georgia and I'm a 60-year-old mother of 5, grandmother of 20. I've been married to my hubby, Chuck, for 41 years, and he is still the love of my life. My children are scattered between Nevada, Idaho and Oregon, with a grandson in Utah, a grandson and granddaughter in Tennessee, and a granddaughter in Arizona. My husband had a heart attack four years ago, followed by his second stroke not too long after that, and is now on Social Security Disability. This means we have a very meager budget, and if I want to do crafts and make gifts, I have to find the least expensive way to do so. This presents a challenge sometimes, but a challenge I relish.

I love to do crafts with my grandchildren! I regularly post projects done with them, and they love it! They range in age from 22 to 4 and they are the light of my life.

I have been a crafter all my life. My mom let me do my first ceramic piece when I was 3 years old! She kept me busy with this and that, teaching me all she could and getting me lessons for what she couldn't. I wanted to go to college for music, but I got married right out of high school and started having babies soon afterward. When I was 32, I was offered a job teaching art in the elementary school, but I had never been to college, so I was hired as an aide in leiu of a teacher. I decided I liked teaching and started college at UNLV. A year and a half into my college days, the new principal hired a certified teacher, and I was out of a job. I lived in a little, tiny town in southern Nevada, with one elementary, one middle school and one high school. I knew I would never have the job of art teacher again, so I changed my major to art instead of education, and graduated in 1991 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. So now I have a degree that really isn't worth the paper it's printed on, because it won't get me a job anywhere! So I spend my time doing crafts and making art and enjoying my family.

We recemtly moved to Elko and I am having to get used to NOT having a Michaels and a few other stores I love, but we are near more of our family, so I'll grin and bear it. That's about all I can say about me, and it is probably more than you want to know! lol If you have any questions for me about me or any of the projects you see here, just email me at . And thanks for visiting my blog!

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